Monday, March 12, 2007

Last week

So it would appear that I did forget to post about last week. sorry about that, essays and assignments just piled up. So here goes, I'll try to remember what it was I was going to post.

So the plans for the Spring Conference have changed a few times. For those who don't know I'm on the planning committee for the Spring Conference, but we've had a few problems with the planning. But now we're starting to get it all together finally. continue prayer for that.

Last week was my second time to sing in the worship band at Chapel. It went pretty well I thought, Robbie commented that every1 sounded good together, so that's always a plus.

The big topic of the post is that I got to chat with an old friend of mine from Montague High. Late last week Brian Ansems came online and we chatted for a bit. Apparantly he's in a play at UPEI this week called "the Rez Sisters". Brian's awesome at acting, he did really well in the Highschool play. I'm going to go to the thursday showing of his play, so it should be awesome.

so yeah, that's about it for last week. I had planned on making it longer, but I don't have the energy tonight. I've been working hard at all the school assignments and now that they're done I'm like dead tired.

Oh, this is hilarious: Go to it and watch it. Mitch Hedberg is an awesome comedian, although a little strange. L8rs all

1 Comment(s):

Blogger Robbie Sevilla said...

purple people!

7:47 PM  

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