Thursday, November 20, 2008

From the internship

So I guess I'll post a more in-depth blog going from my internship to now.

After my internship Jill and I got engaged. I bought a lovely princess cut solitaire diamond ring in Hamilton and proposed at the Airport. I'm pretty sure she liked it, and we got applause from everyone in the airport too, so that was cool. One of Jill's classmates from highschool was there too and he wants to be a bridesmaid... not sure how that'll go :P. My mother and grandmother were there at the airport too, and they knew that I was going to propose so they of course made it rather awkward saying "didn't you want to talk to Jill?" and such. Thanks ma... Anyways, embarassment aside it went well and she said Yes.

School started up the next week, which means classes, homework, assignments, tests, and my favorite: Procrastination :D. Where would we be without procrastination? But yeah, this year I've got for classes Eschatology, Christian Literature, Western Civilization, Missionary Theory and Worldview Studies, as well as "choir" each week. This semester is particularly rough because they're all tough courses, Alan Beck's course is the easiest one. Not a good sign... Ah well.

A week after school started Wal-Mart started again. Everyone in Hamilton seems to think I'll eventually become a manager and own Wal-Mart. Who knows? But as of now I'm in the middle of Christmas Layaway madness. I came back to a messy Layaway since it was understaffed but now it doesn't look too bad, for Christmas at least. I've been hearing rumours that Layaway is going to end after Christmas, which would really suck if it did. I like Layaway. Although if it did maybe that'd be my opportunity to try something new, maybe get a CSM position that I've been asking for. Maybe not, but I can dream, can't I?

Things have been pretty busy, and recently I had all my wisdom teeth pulled out. My lower ones were growing horizontally and crowding in all my other teeth, so my dentist said it was time to get them out. I went to go see Dr. Habbi (whom I first thought was named Dr. Happy) who, in spite of all the horror stories I've heard of him, was very good. I got to have laughing gas for about 10 seconds before they fully sedated me, and let me tell you that was fun. I wanted to take some home with me for class but they wouldn't let me... Anyways, the procedure went well and I'm on the mend now, doing quite well apparantly. I get the stitches out Friday, which will be nice because they'll be out and I'll miss another Missionary Theory class. Shucks... :)

Anyways, I think that's enough for now. L8rs

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another update time

Phew, so it's been quite a while since I updated again. It's kinda late so I'll give a quick recap of everything and expound on it when I have more time.

Since december I finished my second year of MCC, worked in the Garden Center at Wal-Mart for two months then went to Hamilton to work with Scott Jacobsen for an internship for about 3 months. Came home and got engaged to Jillian shortly after (at the airport :P). We've been engaged now for... 77 days now? Something like that. Wow, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. Started up third year at MCC, lots of reading and I'm not much of a reader :P so falling a little behind. No worries, this sememster will be over soon *phew*. Back at Wal-Mart working layaway since a week after my return from Hamilton. Friday morning I got my wisdom teeth pulled, they were growing horizontally :O. Recovering now, and doing not too badly. Painkillers are wonderful things :D So is laughing gas, but more on that later.

Gonna go take another pill soon, then off to bed and church in the morning. Jillian's over too and she wants to go to bed so I'd better head off (she's using my laptop to watch a show b4 bed so I've gotta get off, but I'll just keep typing neways. tee hee) ha ha, ok. G'night all (Sandy, since you're the only one who checks it. Maybe Courtney Jill says.)

Can't wait for solid food... KD was nice though :P

Ok, time for bed. Seriously......... Tee Hee.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Apparantly it's time for an update

Jill wanted me to update my blog, so here goes.

First semester of MCC is over finally, it was a long semester and a long week till exams were over. Had a few all-nighters over the semester, but nothing too bad. Work at wal-mart has been fairly busy too with Christmas coming. I still haven't gotten to go into the front seasonal pod, Cory said we just couldn't hire enough cashiers to cover my absence, so I'm stuck on the cash for now. The next semester should be quite a busy one with the Lectures and Choir Tour up and coming. I might even have to get stuff ready to go to Hamilton in the summer should I get the intern position at Elise's father's church over there.

I guess the only other thing to mention is that Jill and I have been going out for over 8 months now. it's crazy to think how long it has been and I'm so glad that things have worked out so well. Love ya hun.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Pillar - Rewind Lyrics

It seems just like yesterday was the first time that I heard You call my name
Since then, so much has changed
I'm still the same man that I was before
Knowing that I can be without anything scares me away from being alone
Now, that I know what's going on
I can look back and see You
And I made You wait, as I turned away

If I could rewind, watch all my life
Just pass me by, I could see You
If I could rewind, I'd take back the lies
And all of those times I hurt You

I don't know if I'll ever know exactly how much that I hurt You
Knowing that hurts me everyday
If I could rewind, I would take it away
And not make You wait, and I won't walk away

I wanna take back all those lies
I wanna take back all those times
I wanna show You with my life that I'm here for You

Friday, May 18, 2007

Taking a break

You know, in the world today everyone is always going, always doing something. Although, sometimes that's not the case. Every so often while driving along the PEI roads, usually going over the speed limit on your way into town or home from work you'll come across a car going about 70-80km and generally with a line of at least 5 frustrated drivers behind this car. Quickly you become one of these disgruntled drivers and find yourself passing the slower car as soon as possible, and as you pass this car you look right to see who it is that's driving so slowly. You notice that it's a small, elderly bald man and his white-haired wife. Without giving the whole incident another thought you continue on at a swift 100+km into town to continue on with your busy life. This happens quite a lot around here, and it's happened to me several times.

One thing i've noticed occasionally is that in your rush off to work or wherever it is you're going you fail to take notice of what it is that's happening, that couple you quickly passed on your way into town is simply enjoying the drive. They're not going anywhere in particular, contrary to all the many cars speeding by. I think that too often we get caught up in work, school, life to really just take a minute to pause. We're constantly moving, constantly busy with something and never take a walk in the park. We're always taking a walk through the park rather than experiencing the park. Sometimes you might feel like you're taking a walk through life rather than a walk in life, speeding on past to get from point A to point B and completely missing all that's between.

So next time you're rushing along to get somewhere, ask yourself "Am I taking a walk through life?"

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Long time, No post

Phew, it's been a long couple of weeks. Craziness. I've been doing work at Wal-Mart, which has been pretty eventful itself. I did one day of training (because I'm so super and got it all in one day =P) and then on my first day of going solo on the cash I get about 50 billion problem customers. ok, the number's a bit exaggerated but you get the idea. I'd say my favorite was one lady who bought about 170 in stuff, paid using 2 gift cards, a credit card and a debit card. She got a recipt about a mile long and got $20 in cash-back. The problem was I didn't notice the cash-back, nor did she. about an hour later she returned to get her money. It was all fine, except that the CSM had to count my whole cash register, so it took like 20 mins. I felt so bad for the lady since she had to wait. I'd say my least favorite customer was this one guy who paid for about $30 in coin..... and then 23 in american money. That wasn't fun, and i'm pretty sure he was just doing it to be annoying. Today I had the lady with 50 cats come through my cash, she bought (i'm not even kidding) nearly $120 of CAT FOOD!!! Holy Frig that's a lot of cat food. Apparantly I've been getting all the trouble customers.

BTW I finished my pot of KD, it was sooo good. nothing beats KD right from the pot. Plates are so overrated when it comes to KD. My KD is way too good to grace a common plate with its extravegant presence. So I like KD ^^

Ok, so I should be heading to bed. We've got the conference tomorrow, so I've gotta go to bed. G'night all.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Reason I know there is a God

For those of you that don't know, this is the accident that should have killed me. This happened last summer, driving home after a late night I was rather tired and drifted off, waking up in a tree. The guy who towed the car away said he was surprised that I even survived that, let alone got out without a scratch. Apparantly that kind of hit can easily kill. It was definately a scary thing, but looking back on it I can see now that God was watching out for me on that day and kept me safe.

on a side note, i got the job at wal-mart and start on Thursday, so it should be lotsa fun. also I think the last post saw the most amount of different replies, we got to a whopping 3 people! lol. Welcome to my Blog Matt, and would you do something about those Sadducee babies in the congregation please? =P

L8rs all