Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another update time

Phew, so it's been quite a while since I updated again. It's kinda late so I'll give a quick recap of everything and expound on it when I have more time.

Since december I finished my second year of MCC, worked in the Garden Center at Wal-Mart for two months then went to Hamilton to work with Scott Jacobsen for an internship for about 3 months. Came home and got engaged to Jillian shortly after (at the airport :P). We've been engaged now for... 77 days now? Something like that. Wow, it doesn't seem like it's been that long. Started up third year at MCC, lots of reading and I'm not much of a reader :P so falling a little behind. No worries, this sememster will be over soon *phew*. Back at Wal-Mart working layaway since a week after my return from Hamilton. Friday morning I got my wisdom teeth pulled, they were growing horizontally :O. Recovering now, and doing not too badly. Painkillers are wonderful things :D So is laughing gas, but more on that later.

Gonna go take another pill soon, then off to bed and church in the morning. Jillian's over too and she wants to go to bed so I'd better head off (she's using my laptop to watch a show b4 bed so I've gotta get off, but I'll just keep typing neways. tee hee) ha ha, ok. G'night all (Sandy, since you're the only one who checks it. Maybe Courtney Jill says.)

Can't wait for solid food... KD was nice though :P

Ok, time for bed. Seriously......... Tee Hee.

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