Thursday, May 17, 2007

Long time, No post

Phew, it's been a long couple of weeks. Craziness. I've been doing work at Wal-Mart, which has been pretty eventful itself. I did one day of training (because I'm so super and got it all in one day =P) and then on my first day of going solo on the cash I get about 50 billion problem customers. ok, the number's a bit exaggerated but you get the idea. I'd say my favorite was one lady who bought about 170 in stuff, paid using 2 gift cards, a credit card and a debit card. She got a recipt about a mile long and got $20 in cash-back. The problem was I didn't notice the cash-back, nor did she. about an hour later she returned to get her money. It was all fine, except that the CSM had to count my whole cash register, so it took like 20 mins. I felt so bad for the lady since she had to wait. I'd say my least favorite customer was this one guy who paid for about $30 in coin..... and then 23 in american money. That wasn't fun, and i'm pretty sure he was just doing it to be annoying. Today I had the lady with 50 cats come through my cash, she bought (i'm not even kidding) nearly $120 of CAT FOOD!!! Holy Frig that's a lot of cat food. Apparantly I've been getting all the trouble customers.

BTW I finished my pot of KD, it was sooo good. nothing beats KD right from the pot. Plates are so overrated when it comes to KD. My KD is way too good to grace a common plate with its extravegant presence. So I like KD ^^

Ok, so I should be heading to bed. We've got the conference tomorrow, so I've gotta go to bed. G'night all.

2 Comment(s):

Blogger Jill said...

It's all about the bowl.

9:14 AM  
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10:38 AM  

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