Monday, February 05, 2007

My communion thought

Hey all. It's been a while since i've posted I guess, and I'm not exactly in the best mood to blog but that's another story, so I'll post my communion thought which I had to do yesterday at church. From what I've heard it was a pretty good one too, and Matt's daughter even read it aloud to her family which is pretty cute. I dunno, I thought it could've gone better but I got a lot of good feedback, which is good. Alrighty, without further delay, here's the communion thought for all your reading pleasures.

About three weeks ago I was talking to a friend of mine who graduated with me out of high school last year. This friend is a Christian and even came out to youth group at this church last year. We were talking about this and that, and the subject of coming to church came up in the conversation. I asked him why he hadn’t come to church lately, and his answer shocked me a bit. He said “I don’t feel like I belong”.

I don’t belong, this struck me as a very strange idea. Then a question came to me on the drive home that night, “Who belongs?” Who did Jesus come to save? Did he come only for the perfect? For the rich? For men? For women? In the book of Luke Jesus answers that question when the Pharisees accused him of eating with tax collectors and sinners.

Luke 5:31-32 reads “Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” So who did he come to save? He came to save sinners, he came to save you and you and you, he came to save me. Not only that, but he came to save that cashier at McDonald’s. He came to save the slow driver in front of you. He came to save that man sleeping in the alleyway, and that stranger you walk past on the street. He came to save everyone.

So here we are once again at the Lord’s Table remembering this fact, that Jesus came to call us, the sinners we are, to repentance. This meal is one in which we as Christians reflect on his sacrifice, the sacrifice given for you and I. I’d like to close by sharing with you the lyrics of a song called “A better way” written by the band Downhere.

“It's everything You've promised
There's no greater love than this
From prophets until today
A man laying down His life for His friends
Your sacrifice has spoken, You gave everything
And “I love you” could not be said
A better way”

L8rs all

1 Comment(s):

Blogger Harley McCarville said...

hey Vinnie ... didn't realize you had a Blog ... you did have a great communion thought ... keep it up buddy ... I'm proud of ya!!!


1:39 PM  

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