Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm a Pagan!

Who knew that I, Vincent Arsenault, am a genuine pagan? And have been so for nearly my entire life spent residing on PEI?

Ok, so you may be a little confused. Today I discovered that the literal meaning of Pagan is a "country dweller" by doing a google definition on the word. I live in the country, so I am a country dweller, and thus I must be a Pagan. Ok, so now that that's out of the way, I'll tell you about my day.

Reminder, the Canoe Cove meeting is on January 25th at Central Church at 6pm (i think). This meeting is VERY!!! important, as it will decide wether or not the camp will be able to open this summer. The camp is in dire need of funding and support. So all three or four of you who actually read this blog occasionally had better go.

Today marks the first night that I have ever slept over at MCC! yay team! I'm staying over for the three nights of the Lectureships. Pretty sweet, I know. So far, after day one of the lectures the speaker is quite good, despite his semi-evil looking picture on the MCC paper The Messenger. Although I would say that we're moving at about the speed of Romans class does, since after about 2 hours of lectures we have finished the first 5 verses of 1Peter. but he is quite entertaining, so that's certainly a plus.

Also, today I became a member of the group which is putting on the May conference. Somehow I was volunteered for being part of the committee setting up the workshops AND being the PEI Contact Representative who contacts all the churches around here with the info. Yay!.... ah well, it'll be fun, and the Conferences are awesome, everyone come, NOW!

wow, I don't think I have anything else to write about. I'm like, super-boring. so, to make it appear like the post is longer than it really is, I'll put some song lyrics which were played tonight. It's been so long since we've actually done this song, or at least it seems that way.

As sure as gold is precious and the honey sweet,
So you love this city and you love these streets.
Every child out playing by their own front door
Every baby laying on the bedroom floor.

Every dreamer dreaming in her dead-end job
Every driver driving through the rush hour mob
I feel it in my spirit, feel it in my bones
You're going to send revival, bring them all back home

I can hear that thunder in the distance
Like a train on the edge of town
I can feel the brooding of Your Spirit
"Lay your burdens down, Lay your burdens down".

From the Preacher preaching when the well is dry
To the lost soul reaching for a higher high
From the young man working through his hopes and fears
To the widow walking through the veil of tears

Every man and woman, every old and young
Every fathers daughter, every mothers son.
I feel it in my spirit, feel it in my bones
You're going to send revival, bring them all back home

I can hear that thunder in the distance
Like a train on the edge of town
I can feel the brooding of Your Spirit
"Lay your burdens down, Lay your burdens down".

Revive us, Revive us,
Revive us with your fire!

G'night all!

1 Comment(s):

Blogger sandy said...

we did it in church two days ago. see what you miss when you don't go??

9:28 AM  

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