Thursday, January 11, 2007


So how's it going everyone? I know, i haven't been keeping up with the blogging a whole lot lately, I dunno, I just haven't wanted to blog much. I even started a post last night but didn't continue on with it. I guess I've been relatively quiet lately. But it happens...

Anyways, so the first YG of the year was last night. It was quite a bit of fun and included the bible scene movie game, A few rounds of the "who am I" game, and Mitch eating dog treats (or trying to) So it was quite a blast. The drive home was rather sucky though. I was dead tired. I stopped in at the Esso outside of C'town to get gas and some McDonalds. I got $10 in gas to replace what I had used, and went to McD's to find one lady working there, the manager I think. She was completely alone, and as such, took a while to get around to taking my order. I'd say I was waiting a good 10 mins to get my heart-attack in a bun. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure that she didn't put any salt on the fries, so they were not only semi cold but not at all salty. Yuck... So I got my food eventually and drove home. Long drive, but I put on some POD good and loud to keep me awake.

On the drive home I was thinking a bit about the day. At YG I found out that I had been put on the communion serving for the month of January and a communion thought for Febuary 4th. That's all fine with be, but they could've at least told me that I was serving, since I did not know and missed last week. Luckily this time I've already got an idea for a thought, and hopefully I should be more prepared for it this time. The first thought I did a few months ago didn't turn out too well because I was a little unprepared, and it was my first time too.

Plus last night the sky was really clear, so I got to see a whole lot of stars. I love it when that happens, it happens so rarely these days it seems.

So I Believe that I've decided to continue on with MCC and become a Minister. I've been thinking about it for a while now, and Ben gave me some really good advice on the matter. He said "If you can be happy doing anything else, then do it." Those words have been on my mind quite a bit lately, and I've decided that I can't be happy with anything else. It's what I want to do, and from what I've heard, I'm not to bad at it either. Ma was saying how some of her friends thought that I'd be a minister, which was interesting because these friends never actually met me. But hey, maybe it's a sign.

Well, I guess that's about it for today, except for one request, that anyone that reads this could pray for Canoe Cove Christian Camp. The camp is going through some difficult times financially, and if they can't get the money to do the required upgrades, the camp will likely not open this summer.

Well i'm out, l8rs

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