Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

So here we are, Christmas Eve already. Wow, this Christmas sure did come fast. I think it's because there's no snow. It doesn't feel like Christmas without the snow. Too bad Katie, if you're reading this. There will be snow eventually, lol. So in 54 minutes it'll be Christmas, sure doesn't seem like it. Over here we really haven't gotten into much of a Christmas spirit this week. I dunno what it is, we just hadn't had the time for it. I've been busy with College and Work, Ma's been working and not feeling too well, and the month of December has had several low points for us, but that happens sometimes. People get busy and then tired from working and don't necessarily get the tree and the lights up each year. Luckily, we've still got our old tree from last year in the back yard. Sure it's quite dead and dry, but it's there... =P

So tomorrow brings Christmas. I think this year is the least amount of gifts that I've recieved ever (so far a total of 2), but that's quite alright for me. I told most people that instead of getting me a gift, I wanted them to donate money to Canoe Cove. It's a Great camp, but coming up on some financial problems, so i've been recieving money instead for the camp. Sure, it would be nice to spend and hour tearing into wrapping and getting all sorts of wicked-cool stuff, but I love the camp and would hate to see it not open next summer, and if I can do anything to help keep it open, that's certainly worth not opening as many presents this year. The camp has done so much for me, if you're at MCC you probably have a glimpse of that from my Oral comm speeches, I figure it's about time for me to start giving back to it. Hopefully I'll get to counsel full time this year too. I can't wait! So Go Canoe Cove Go!

Well, I guess that's about it for this post. Not a whole lot more to write about... hmm, I forgot to take a game back today and will be getting some late fees on tuesday, uh, I worked at Timeless all last week, so should get a nice pay-check, although I owe ma over $180, so that'll chew up most of it. um..... Oh, I watched the youtube video for Leroy Jenkins. It's a video from WoW. quite interesting... And I watched the Numa Numa guy and Chad Vader on youtube. Quite funny, give them a watch sometime.

I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to the return of school. Ugg, someone shoot me. I never thought I'd look forward to returning from a break, but I'm like super bored out of my mind, and I actually have quite a bit of fun at MCC. Sure the work is not easy, but it's worth it. And we are getting a new student too. Elise is coming for the second semester from Hamilton Ontario. Oh, this has nothing to do with Elise coming, but did you know that there are 43 Hamiltons in the USA? Crazy stuff. But yes, Elise is coming over, so I look forward to many games of foozeball, eh Elise? =P

I think I'll do some more additions to my template tonight, maybe add some more hotels and I'm thinking of doing a part for quotes. I like memorable quotes, I've got a few on my msn space that I'll put. If you have some interesting quotes, why not comment them in this post and I might add them. I'm always looking for good ones.

Ok, well Time to finish this one off. Who will get first comment this time? Will it be tiny asian Sandy or clicky-boots Elise? Or perhapse a new challenger will arise to take on these titans of the First Comment battles (most likely not) Ha Ha, I'm just kidding. L8rs all

2 Comment(s):

Blogger sandy said...

asian sandy!!

(i win first comment!)


Merry Christmas!!!!!!

11:56 PM  
Blogger ECbran said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! It's ok, I'll let you have first comment being Christmas and all (tee hee) Merry Christmas Vinner

2:32 PM  

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