Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Ugg... I feel like a pile of poop.

The English Exam is in about 9 hours, and I'm not at all ready for it. I think i'm getting sick as well, it's probably because i've been so stressed out lately. Talk about your "when it rains, it pours" syndrome. But on a better note, I got a bunch of marks back today, and none of them were below 88%, which is always great. My OT survey mark was 94% for the final mark too, which is awesome. I've gotta keep these marks high, because I have a feeling that English will need to be raised up quite a bit after this exam. Hopefully the research paper will be good enough to balance out this exam, because I'm having concerns about wether or not i'll pass it... I dunno, it's questionable. It is the last exam though, so it'll be quite nice to get it over with.

So Christmas is coming around the corner I guess. I'm not really too excited about it, but that's the way it goes sometimes, right? hmm... there was a tiny bug on my laptop screen, how unfortunate.

I dunno what else to write about. I guess I should get back to studying.... how I Loath English. Could someone shoot me please? What else.... well, i'm eating some hershey kisses and drinking a 750ml coke tonight to keep me up for studying, and I'll most likely be sleeping a lot tomorrow, so if anyone needs me, i'll be unconcious on the couch in the guy's lounge.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I know, not a very entertaining post. If you want entertaining, look at sandy's post on her blog on tuesday. He He. It entertains me. Time for more studying, l8rs all!

2 Comment(s):

Blogger sandy said...

i was entertained.

7:49 PM  
Blogger ECbran said...

ah HAH i found your blog i found your blog. . *dances around crazily*

5:38 PM  

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