Friday, December 22, 2006

Santa Has a BLOG?!?!?!

Who knew that santa was so technologically inclined? now it's not an actual blogger blog, it's an MSN space, but hey, it's the same thing. He's been blogging since november, and he's been doing it every day, so sandy and jill (whoever jill is) you're not alone. Everyone should go take a look, i'll put a link to it on my sidebar.

Anyways, so today I went around dropping off christmas presents. Ben and Matt weren't even in the office though, so I left theirs in the main office. And someone tell Friend to get some salt for that front step, it's a little icy. Tonight I'm going over to krystle's place, and with her present dropped off that'll finish up all my shopping! Go team!

Today I was hunting down pictures for hotels in Seattle, Atlanta and Chicago. I had to find 3 from each hotel because Jim changed the template from what we were using during these three, and I needed more pictures for each. Oh, who knew there was a place called Romulus? It's in Michigan, I bet Matt will find that quite interesting. And here's a tip for you all, if you're ever in a big city and want a nice place to stay, stay in any W hotel. They're beautiful, and have awesome room names. Who wouldn't want to stay in an "Extreme Wow" or "Marvelous" suite? I'm gonna start putting links to really nice hotels on the sidebar as well. I've found some really awesome ones all over Canada and the USA.

Speaking of Work, i'd best be getting back to work. Do you know that all day I've been listening to a strange song called "numa numa". there's a really interesting video done by some players of WoW on YouTube done to this song, and I think it's even got a Veggie Tales song running through the credits. How can you top that? Search it sometime. Type in "numa numa" in YouTube and it should be near the middle/lower results.

Well Sandy, there ya go. I updated, lol. L8rs all

2 Comment(s):

Blogger ECbran said...

look at me go, whoo!

6:03 PM  
Blogger sandy said...

took ya long enough :P

2:16 AM  

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