Friday, January 05, 2007

It's Friday Again!

Yay, go team Friday. ok, so not much to write about today. I think maybe I'll describe the office for you all now, since there's a half hour left b4 ma pics me up and I'm done of working for today. So looking from the right to the left, the door to the bathroom is slightly ajar. there's two cupboards with office supplies, on top of those are at least 15 empty aluminum cans, mostly beans and chef boyardee's. Next is the Microwave with two KD Easy-Mac boxes (one half-full and one used for garbage) and a premium plus soda cracker box. The Microwave is on a very undsturdy table, and right beside two recycle bins being used as trash. behind a half-wall right behind the microwave is Miles' desk. He's leaning close to his larger monitor to read. His feet are propped up on a white, but durty stool under his desk. He's got two monitors, an Acer flatscreen, much like our new one, and an old bulky screen with a milk label stuck to the side, and several papers and what looks like a phone book on the corner of his desk. beside him is another cupboard with office supplies and a Timeless homepage design mug on top. The coat rack is beside that, with my coat and Jim's coat on it. outside the door is a water cooler which no one ever uses, and Mike's office by the door, but that's not visible. On the left wall by the door is a whiteboard with Jim's stock prices marked. Five stocks are rising, and are marked in green with a green smiley-face on it. One is falling, and is marked in red with a red frowning face. There is a blue curtain over the window looking out to the front, and an old black couch which Jim occasionally takes naps on, with one red pillow. Continuing along the left side of the office is Jim's desk. On it is a newspaper, many notes, a container of salt with the french side facing me. He has one Dell flatscreen monitor hooked up to his laptop, and a calendar on the wall. moving closer to me, I am sitting at a meeting desk which can sit 6 people. there are two unused samsung monitors with the bulky backs, an old tower pc to the right of the monitors with two stickers on the side facing me. One says "zoom" and anther has a red button saying "eject". on the top of the PC there are two menus and a booklet for virgin mobile. To the left of the two monitors are two "bankers box"s, probably with files and records. In front of the monitors are an open bag of PC brand nacho chips and an open 750ml bottle of coca-cola, about 1/4 coke left. behind me to the left is a small freezer, about 3 feet high and 1.5 feet wide, a table with a coffee machine, old fax machine, and two kleenex boxes on top, as well as a cardboard box and several empty bags. Behind me are a dull red meeting chair, exactly the same as the one i'm sitting in, and a dull blue chair of lesser quality. There is an Air Conditioner in the wall behind me turned on, and a desk with the back-up PC and monitor on it where we back-up all our files. also on the desk is a keyboard and a stack of books and papers.

Phew, long post. If you manage to read through it all, give yourself a pat on the back. L8rs all

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