Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I'm a Pagan!

Who knew that I, Vincent Arsenault, am a genuine pagan? And have been so for nearly my entire life spent residing on PEI?

Ok, so you may be a little confused. Today I discovered that the literal meaning of Pagan is a "country dweller" by doing a google definition on the word. I live in the country, so I am a country dweller, and thus I must be a Pagan. Ok, so now that that's out of the way, I'll tell you about my day.

Reminder, the Canoe Cove meeting is on January 25th at Central Church at 6pm (i think). This meeting is VERY!!! important, as it will decide wether or not the camp will be able to open this summer. The camp is in dire need of funding and support. So all three or four of you who actually read this blog occasionally had better go.

Today marks the first night that I have ever slept over at MCC! yay team! I'm staying over for the three nights of the Lectureships. Pretty sweet, I know. So far, after day one of the lectures the speaker is quite good, despite his semi-evil looking picture on the MCC paper The Messenger. Although I would say that we're moving at about the speed of Romans class does, since after about 2 hours of lectures we have finished the first 5 verses of 1Peter. but he is quite entertaining, so that's certainly a plus.

Also, today I became a member of the group which is putting on the May conference. Somehow I was volunteered for being part of the committee setting up the workshops AND being the PEI Contact Representative who contacts all the churches around here with the info. Yay!.... ah well, it'll be fun, and the Conferences are awesome, everyone come, NOW!

wow, I don't think I have anything else to write about. I'm like, super-boring. so, to make it appear like the post is longer than it really is, I'll put some song lyrics which were played tonight. It's been so long since we've actually done this song, or at least it seems that way.

As sure as gold is precious and the honey sweet,
So you love this city and you love these streets.
Every child out playing by their own front door
Every baby laying on the bedroom floor.

Every dreamer dreaming in her dead-end job
Every driver driving through the rush hour mob
I feel it in my spirit, feel it in my bones
You're going to send revival, bring them all back home

I can hear that thunder in the distance
Like a train on the edge of town
I can feel the brooding of Your Spirit
"Lay your burdens down, Lay your burdens down".

From the Preacher preaching when the well is dry
To the lost soul reaching for a higher high
From the young man working through his hopes and fears
To the widow walking through the veil of tears

Every man and woman, every old and young
Every fathers daughter, every mothers son.
I feel it in my spirit, feel it in my bones
You're going to send revival, bring them all back home

I can hear that thunder in the distance
Like a train on the edge of town
I can feel the brooding of Your Spirit
"Lay your burdens down, Lay your burdens down".

Revive us, Revive us,
Revive us with your fire!

G'night all!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


you know, I'd write a big long blog about how i've been doing the past week, but I really don't know. It's weird, i've just been very blah the past week. Like there have been several highs and lows within such a short period of time. I dunno, I guess the reason if I could define it would be uncertainty, it has a tendancy of getting to me more than it should, and then after that I come to the realization that the uncertainty is mainly from a lack of faith. I dunno, I just have a tendency of getting myself down over things...

Anyways, on a lighter note, Ma is starting up an aquarium. She's been buying tropical fish everywhere, and the Pets Unlimited over here has a sale on for tropical fish, a dollar per fish. I think we've got nearly 30 fish so far consisting of two betas, 11 cloudtail, 2 of the fish at Walmart that Krystle liked (a pink one and a blue one, whom I named Pinky and the Brain.), 10 smaller fish much like the cloudtails, five orange/black fish with big stomachs, and a lone orange/white fish that we bought at walmart tonight. It's looking to be quite the collection of fish, hopefully our 3 cats won't get too hungry..... lol.

yeah, so it's now tomorrow, that is tuesday, although this post was started tuesday, so it's really today, even though yesterday was an hour ago. so... yay tuesday. I've got NT survey tomorrow, then Intro to Interpretation, and Methods of Teaching. Should be a fun-filled day. whoop whoop.

L8rs all

Thursday, January 11, 2007


So how's it going everyone? I know, i haven't been keeping up with the blogging a whole lot lately, I dunno, I just haven't wanted to blog much. I even started a post last night but didn't continue on with it. I guess I've been relatively quiet lately. But it happens...

Anyways, so the first YG of the year was last night. It was quite a bit of fun and included the bible scene movie game, A few rounds of the "who am I" game, and Mitch eating dog treats (or trying to) So it was quite a blast. The drive home was rather sucky though. I was dead tired. I stopped in at the Esso outside of C'town to get gas and some McDonalds. I got $10 in gas to replace what I had used, and went to McD's to find one lady working there, the manager I think. She was completely alone, and as such, took a while to get around to taking my order. I'd say I was waiting a good 10 mins to get my heart-attack in a bun. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure that she didn't put any salt on the fries, so they were not only semi cold but not at all salty. Yuck... So I got my food eventually and drove home. Long drive, but I put on some POD good and loud to keep me awake.

On the drive home I was thinking a bit about the day. At YG I found out that I had been put on the communion serving for the month of January and a communion thought for Febuary 4th. That's all fine with be, but they could've at least told me that I was serving, since I did not know and missed last week. Luckily this time I've already got an idea for a thought, and hopefully I should be more prepared for it this time. The first thought I did a few months ago didn't turn out too well because I was a little unprepared, and it was my first time too.

Plus last night the sky was really clear, so I got to see a whole lot of stars. I love it when that happens, it happens so rarely these days it seems.

So I Believe that I've decided to continue on with MCC and become a Minister. I've been thinking about it for a while now, and Ben gave me some really good advice on the matter. He said "If you can be happy doing anything else, then do it." Those words have been on my mind quite a bit lately, and I've decided that I can't be happy with anything else. It's what I want to do, and from what I've heard, I'm not to bad at it either. Ma was saying how some of her friends thought that I'd be a minister, which was interesting because these friends never actually met me. But hey, maybe it's a sign.

Well, I guess that's about it for today, except for one request, that anyone that reads this could pray for Canoe Cove Christian Camp. The camp is going through some difficult times financially, and if they can't get the money to do the required upgrades, the camp will likely not open this summer.

Well i'm out, l8rs

Monday, January 08, 2007



Could it get any better? I think not! Phew, i'm excited. I love winter and all the snow that comes with it. So far we've had an absolutely poopy winter and it's been green up till today, but lo and behold, snow! wind! ice pellets! hail! I'm so giddy *bounce bounce*. I know, some people don't like winter, but you get non-winter for 3/4's of the year, sometimes more, so let my winter go! =P

Although I find it quite ironic that we've had an absolutely warm winter while the MCC students are away at home, but the day before everyone is back we get a decently sized storm. I was thinking that they'd all get off easy and not have a good old PEI winter, but it looks like God has quite the sense of humour =P.

So i've determined that this break has probably killed my teeth. I've been so lazy with brushing my teeth twice a day. I dunno what's happened, I was always good at it and have good teeth because of it, but now I've kept forgetting. I'm too lazy I think. Plus i've been eating like a bunch of chocolate and drinking pop, it's not good. why am I telling everyone about my teeth? I dunno, i'm bored. Enjoy! L8rs all

Friday, January 05, 2007

It's Friday Again!

Yay, go team Friday. ok, so not much to write about today. I think maybe I'll describe the office for you all now, since there's a half hour left b4 ma pics me up and I'm done of working for today. So looking from the right to the left, the door to the bathroom is slightly ajar. there's two cupboards with office supplies, on top of those are at least 15 empty aluminum cans, mostly beans and chef boyardee's. Next is the Microwave with two KD Easy-Mac boxes (one half-full and one used for garbage) and a premium plus soda cracker box. The Microwave is on a very undsturdy table, and right beside two recycle bins being used as trash. behind a half-wall right behind the microwave is Miles' desk. He's leaning close to his larger monitor to read. His feet are propped up on a white, but durty stool under his desk. He's got two monitors, an Acer flatscreen, much like our new one, and an old bulky screen with a milk label stuck to the side, and several papers and what looks like a phone book on the corner of his desk. beside him is another cupboard with office supplies and a Timeless homepage design mug on top. The coat rack is beside that, with my coat and Jim's coat on it. outside the door is a water cooler which no one ever uses, and Mike's office by the door, but that's not visible. On the left wall by the door is a whiteboard with Jim's stock prices marked. Five stocks are rising, and are marked in green with a green smiley-face on it. One is falling, and is marked in red with a red frowning face. There is a blue curtain over the window looking out to the front, and an old black couch which Jim occasionally takes naps on, with one red pillow. Continuing along the left side of the office is Jim's desk. On it is a newspaper, many notes, a container of salt with the french side facing me. He has one Dell flatscreen monitor hooked up to his laptop, and a calendar on the wall. moving closer to me, I am sitting at a meeting desk which can sit 6 people. there are two unused samsung monitors with the bulky backs, an old tower pc to the right of the monitors with two stickers on the side facing me. One says "zoom" and anther has a red button saying "eject". on the top of the PC there are two menus and a booklet for virgin mobile. To the left of the two monitors are two "bankers box"s, probably with files and records. In front of the monitors are an open bag of PC brand nacho chips and an open 750ml bottle of coca-cola, about 1/4 coke left. behind me to the left is a small freezer, about 3 feet high and 1.5 feet wide, a table with a coffee machine, old fax machine, and two kleenex boxes on top, as well as a cardboard box and several empty bags. Behind me are a dull red meeting chair, exactly the same as the one i'm sitting in, and a dull blue chair of lesser quality. There is an Air Conditioner in the wall behind me turned on, and a desk with the back-up PC and monitor on it where we back-up all our files. also on the desk is a keyboard and a stack of books and papers.

Phew, long post. If you manage to read through it all, give yourself a pat on the back. L8rs all

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Someone shoot me!

So today I'm posting from in a... beauty salon. Yuck. Ma's getting her nails done right behind me, and she needed me to come along to get dog and cat food because she can't carry the bags. It's certainly not an exciting place to be, although my readers may not share the same view of them as I do, since you're Sandy and Elise and both women. I'm pretty sure I'm the only guy in the whole place, which really sucks. But I am listening to Numa Numa, so it should entertain me at least a bit.

I got back the remainder of my marks today, and they were quite good. I already knew my overalls, but I got back my LOC exam, which was an 88%, my Christian Ed Exam which was 93%, and my Chris Ed Lesson Plan which was 96%. So all in all It was good, although I'm going to talk to Eileen about the Chris Ed Exam, I think she marked one wrong that I can argue was right, which means that I'll ace the exam :D

So i'm eagerly awaiting the return of all the students and the start of school. I've been so bored lately, and going to a beauty parlor doesn't help relieve the boredom. =P I think i'm running out of games to play at home too. Over Christmas, my pool table was overtaken by hostile junk again, and I've got to start a rescue mission to uncover it sometime. I'm looking forward to the start-up of the semester again. The first semester went along quite well for the marks at least, and hopefully I'll be able to do better this time as for getting the work done on time, although I still do some very good last minute projects, lol.

So today I finished up Albany NY. It doesn't seem like a very nice place to stay in a hotel really, I think I found maybe two decently nice places there. But it's done, so that means I get more money. I like money, it's a good thing to have. Hopefully I'll get lots of work done tomorrow and Friday though, cause I'll need money for the next school year.

hmm, I can't think of anything else to post. I did some changes to the template, and I added a neat little random quote generator to the top, so it changes whenever you refresh the screen. There's currently 11 of them, but I'll probably add more when I come across them.

Ok, that's it. It's nearly time to go neways. L8rs all

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


I hate mondays, especially when they happen on tuesdays, ugh... This has got to be one of the slowest tuesdays ever. Here I am, sitting in the office with no will to do work at all. It's hot, it's quiet, and it sucks. I've been doing Detroit today, and I'd say Detroit has the most surrounding communities ever. I've found at least 10 places that are not Detroit in the Detroit area, including Romulus. Who knew there was a Romulus? Surprisingly the resident star trek geek Matt didn't.

So it is officially post-new years day day. How was everyone's New Years Festivities? I know you're all absolutely dying to hear about mine, even though Sandy has already heard about it, so that leaves... Elise, so happy reading Elise! =P But before I start, I'd like to say that the Embassy Suites in Southfield (another place in Detroit which is not Detroit) is stupid and I want to break it. Ok, done.

So on the Friday before New Years Eve I visited Krystle at the wal-mart change rooms for about an hour and helped (ok, hindered) her work there. Krystle asked if I would come over to her place to chaperone while she had this new guy over. I guess they hadn't really met much, but they both knew someone and met through them. She wasn't quite sure what he was like though, so she wanted me to come along just incase. So the night opened with this guy named caille (i think that's how it's spelt. it's pronounced kyle) also known as Cripple for some reason, arriving shortly after I had gotten to Krystle's place. We played some Dance Dance Revolution, which I would have so beaten everyone if it were a full contact game, and then went downstairs at about 9 to watch movies. We ordered some Pizza and started watching the first movie at about 10:15 or so. In total we watched some of Boogeyman (what a lame excuse for a horror), The Notebook (sappy chick-flick), 50-first dates (I had already seen it, but still funny) and Cars (yes, it was animated, but actually not bad at all). The night wrapped up around 5:10 when Mr. Cripple went home. After he had gone, Krystle and I stayed up about an hour talking, and she went off to bed at about 6:15 or so. I got around 4 hours of sleep on the couch when Krystle's mother came downstairs. Between her mother and her very vocal cat, I was woken up and couldn't get back to sleep. I got home around 4:45, went upstairs for a bit on the laptop, talked with Sandy over the phone for a bit and went to sleep around 8. Was woken up around 11pm by my Mother hammering a shelf onto the wall, and I couldn't get to sleep after that till about 2:30. I went online for a bit, but not for too long, I guess I had too much on my mind to sleep. Anyways, that was my New Years Eve/Day festivities. All-in-all it was pretty good actually.

And here I am, bored out of my mind at work. I need another two hotels done and I'll be finished with Detroit. YAY!!! I really can't wait to get back to school, I actually am doing school work on my break instead of procrastinating. It's so weird, but it's happening. Yes, I realize that by blogging I'm procrastinating about work, but.... Shut Up! =P. I'd do work if someone (Elise) would hurry up and build me two really nice 4-5 star hotels in Detroit with really nice websites right now, lol. Ok, fine, I'll do some work, but someone should come online so that I have someone to chat with while I do it =P. L8rs all

sorry for the long post, but I do that when I get bored, and besides, reading is fun! =P

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Years

So It's a new year today. Welcome in 2007 (not 2008). What will the new year bring? Only one knows that, but let's hope it'll be a good one! I'm sure it'll be great. 2006 brought quite a number of changes for me I'd say. It's all happened so fast it's like a crazy whirlwind, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Life can be quite a crazy roller coaster full of plenty of gradual climbs, crazy drops, and full speed twists and turns, but for now this roller coaster is done, time for the next one. So let's all get strapped in, buckle up, throw your hands in the air let go of it all, and have a great time! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!