Sunday, December 31, 2006

So Blue, by Downhere

Shallow capacity is bearing all I see, and I know
It's disease, it's loss, it's death knocking at my door
I click these thoughts to something else, something more.

I'm so blue, you're so blue.

Detached harmonies, all the airways scream dissonance
And we know of broken life, broken homes,
Broken hearts and broken bones,
Recycling the paper of a crying world's suicide note and
We're so blue, so blue.

See the world spinning round
A sucking hole that souls go down
Embrace the sorrow of today because repentance finds a way
Only His blood can heal our wounds
Only His blood can heal our wounds
And if repentance finds a way, what's left today to be.….blue?

A final symphony,
The precipice too close, you're scaring me -- back away
Sin is real, it doesn't feel, It always, only always, steals.
Run to the cross the only joy that's real.

So Blue, Downhere

Saturday, December 30, 2006

RIP Sandy

Reaching Higher: Okay Just One More#links

Today We mourn a great person. Sandy Chang was predicted as near death today at 3:30 pm. Many people may remember Sandy as, short, asian, giggly, tiny little sandy, and you'd be right. I remember Sandy Chang as more than that, however. Sandy was, well sandy. it's hard to describe her any other way. RIP Sandy.....

Ok, i'm just kidding, but she wanted me to link her post, so I did. happy New Year Sandy. Looking forward to 2008. lol

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


So how's it going everyone? I have to say, of all the people who have two or more posts on my blog, sandy and elise are my favorites. =P Keep up the blogging you two.

Don't you hate not knowing? I dunno, it's just that sometimes uncertainty gets to me. The new year comes very soon, and it'll be 2008 (one of Sandy's pretty numbers I believe) actually in another year, because it's now 2006 and next year will be 2007. Thanks for the correction Elise. Who's to say what the new year will bring. Personally, I have no clue. Every so often I'll let my mind wander and it just goes crazy, and eventually I don't know what's what anymore. It's just weird because it's so unpredictable. This new semester will probably bring about change, that's certainly predictable anyways, it's what change it will bring that's the unpredictable part. What might happen, what might not happen, I dunno. I keep trying to just trust that it's all worked out already for me, but sometimes unforseen circumstances can shake that trust. But maybe that's just me being me again, I seem to do that a lot, or maybe it's this Christmas slump that I seem to be in. I dunno, just that the break hasn't really been as good as I had hoped for, it's been rather slow and lonely I guess. *sigh*

There's no stars visible tonight.....

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

So here we are, Christmas Eve already. Wow, this Christmas sure did come fast. I think it's because there's no snow. It doesn't feel like Christmas without the snow. Too bad Katie, if you're reading this. There will be snow eventually, lol. So in 54 minutes it'll be Christmas, sure doesn't seem like it. Over here we really haven't gotten into much of a Christmas spirit this week. I dunno what it is, we just hadn't had the time for it. I've been busy with College and Work, Ma's been working and not feeling too well, and the month of December has had several low points for us, but that happens sometimes. People get busy and then tired from working and don't necessarily get the tree and the lights up each year. Luckily, we've still got our old tree from last year in the back yard. Sure it's quite dead and dry, but it's there... =P

So tomorrow brings Christmas. I think this year is the least amount of gifts that I've recieved ever (so far a total of 2), but that's quite alright for me. I told most people that instead of getting me a gift, I wanted them to donate money to Canoe Cove. It's a Great camp, but coming up on some financial problems, so i've been recieving money instead for the camp. Sure, it would be nice to spend and hour tearing into wrapping and getting all sorts of wicked-cool stuff, but I love the camp and would hate to see it not open next summer, and if I can do anything to help keep it open, that's certainly worth not opening as many presents this year. The camp has done so much for me, if you're at MCC you probably have a glimpse of that from my Oral comm speeches, I figure it's about time for me to start giving back to it. Hopefully I'll get to counsel full time this year too. I can't wait! So Go Canoe Cove Go!

Well, I guess that's about it for this post. Not a whole lot more to write about... hmm, I forgot to take a game back today and will be getting some late fees on tuesday, uh, I worked at Timeless all last week, so should get a nice pay-check, although I owe ma over $180, so that'll chew up most of it. um..... Oh, I watched the youtube video for Leroy Jenkins. It's a video from WoW. quite interesting... And I watched the Numa Numa guy and Chad Vader on youtube. Quite funny, give them a watch sometime.

I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to the return of school. Ugg, someone shoot me. I never thought I'd look forward to returning from a break, but I'm like super bored out of my mind, and I actually have quite a bit of fun at MCC. Sure the work is not easy, but it's worth it. And we are getting a new student too. Elise is coming for the second semester from Hamilton Ontario. Oh, this has nothing to do with Elise coming, but did you know that there are 43 Hamiltons in the USA? Crazy stuff. But yes, Elise is coming over, so I look forward to many games of foozeball, eh Elise? =P

I think I'll do some more additions to my template tonight, maybe add some more hotels and I'm thinking of doing a part for quotes. I like memorable quotes, I've got a few on my msn space that I'll put. If you have some interesting quotes, why not comment them in this post and I might add them. I'm always looking for good ones.

Ok, well Time to finish this one off. Who will get first comment this time? Will it be tiny asian Sandy or clicky-boots Elise? Or perhapse a new challenger will arise to take on these titans of the First Comment battles (most likely not) Ha Ha, I'm just kidding. L8rs all

Friday, December 22, 2006

Santa Has a BLOG?!?!?!

Who knew that santa was so technologically inclined? now it's not an actual blogger blog, it's an MSN space, but hey, it's the same thing. He's been blogging since november, and he's been doing it every day, so sandy and jill (whoever jill is) you're not alone. Everyone should go take a look, i'll put a link to it on my sidebar.

Anyways, so today I went around dropping off christmas presents. Ben and Matt weren't even in the office though, so I left theirs in the main office. And someone tell Friend to get some salt for that front step, it's a little icy. Tonight I'm going over to krystle's place, and with her present dropped off that'll finish up all my shopping! Go team!

Today I was hunting down pictures for hotels in Seattle, Atlanta and Chicago. I had to find 3 from each hotel because Jim changed the template from what we were using during these three, and I needed more pictures for each. Oh, who knew there was a place called Romulus? It's in Michigan, I bet Matt will find that quite interesting. And here's a tip for you all, if you're ever in a big city and want a nice place to stay, stay in any W hotel. They're beautiful, and have awesome room names. Who wouldn't want to stay in an "Extreme Wow" or "Marvelous" suite? I'm gonna start putting links to really nice hotels on the sidebar as well. I've found some really awesome ones all over Canada and the USA.

Speaking of Work, i'd best be getting back to work. Do you know that all day I've been listening to a strange song called "numa numa". there's a really interesting video done by some players of WoW on YouTube done to this song, and I think it's even got a Veggie Tales song running through the credits. How can you top that? Search it sometime. Type in "numa numa" in YouTube and it should be near the middle/lower results.

Well Sandy, there ya go. I updated, lol. L8rs all

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Die Grass!!! DIE!!!!!

So it's starting to look a bit more like winter today. We FINALLY got some snow, although it was under 5 cm's, at least it's better than the green christmas we've been having so far. I'm sorry, but having green grass growing a week before christmas just disgusts me. What is the world coming to? Although I feel bad for all those students coming back in January. When they left, it was quite green, and when they return they will probably freeze. Poor you guys. (ok, i don't have much sympathy, but still).

Anyways... so it would seem there's a bit of competition for first comments, eh? who knew I was so popular... lol. ah well, no one can resist me. it's the hair, it's mesmerizing. Just kidding =) So it's looking like a slow day at work today, Jim (my boss) is not coming in today, he's working at home, so I'm stuck with doing more hotel sites. If you'd like to see my work, go to . It's oh so entertaining, but there are some nice hotels there. Oh, the one i'm looking at now is really nice. Go to and click the "slideshow" button on the right. You won't be disappointed (Elise). Also, I need some entertaining music, if anyone knows of something to listen to, post them and I'll have a listen.

So today I go Christmas shopping. Oh so much fun. If anyone would like to donate some money to my shopping, I won't deny it. lol. But I'd best be getting back to work. I'm not being paid to blog here. lol. If anyone wishes to get a hold of me, I'll be on skype. If you don't have it, go to then add "Vincent Arsenault". L8rs all

Monday, December 18, 2006

Relient K - Getting Into You

Relient K - Getting Into You

When i made up my mind
And my heart along with that
To live not for myself
But yet for god, somebody said
Do you know what you are getting yourself into

When i finally ironed out
All of my priorities
And asked god to remove the doubt
That makes me unsure of thsee
Things i ask myself, i ask myself
Do you know what you are getting yourself into


I'm getting into you
Because you got to me, in a way words can't describe
I'm getting into you
Because i've got to be
You're essential to survive
I'm going to love you with my life

When he looked at me and said
I kind of view you as a son
And for a second our eyes met
And i met that with a question
Do you know what you are getting yourself into


I've been a liar and i'll never amout to
The kind of person you deserve to worship you
You say you will not dwell on what i did but rather what i do
you say
I love you and thats what you are getting yourself into


He said, i love you and thats what you are getting yourself

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dr. Penfield, I smell Felt!

that's right, felt. Today I uncovered my pool table!!!!! yay me. ok, that's it. l8rs

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Ugg... I feel like a pile of poop.

The English Exam is in about 9 hours, and I'm not at all ready for it. I think i'm getting sick as well, it's probably because i've been so stressed out lately. Talk about your "when it rains, it pours" syndrome. But on a better note, I got a bunch of marks back today, and none of them were below 88%, which is always great. My OT survey mark was 94% for the final mark too, which is awesome. I've gotta keep these marks high, because I have a feeling that English will need to be raised up quite a bit after this exam. Hopefully the research paper will be good enough to balance out this exam, because I'm having concerns about wether or not i'll pass it... I dunno, it's questionable. It is the last exam though, so it'll be quite nice to get it over with.

So Christmas is coming around the corner I guess. I'm not really too excited about it, but that's the way it goes sometimes, right? hmm... there was a tiny bug on my laptop screen, how unfortunate.

I dunno what else to write about. I guess I should get back to studying.... how I Loath English. Could someone shoot me please? What else.... well, i'm eating some hershey kisses and drinking a 750ml coke tonight to keep me up for studying, and I'll most likely be sleeping a lot tomorrow, so if anyone needs me, i'll be unconcious on the couch in the guy's lounge.

Well, I guess that's it for now. I know, not a very entertaining post. If you want entertaining, look at sandy's post on her blog on tuesday. He He. It entertains me. Time for more studying, l8rs all!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Exams!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I guess it's time for a second post, so here goes.

Today I slept till 1:30pm, it was awesome! Don't you just love sleeping in? I woke up, played some games here and there, and now it's almost 6, so I'll start studying for my exam tomorrow I think. It's the Christian Ed exam, so I'm not really sure what to expect... The last one was wicked-hard, everyone hated it. The whole thing was mostly statistics and historical questions, like who started sunday school (it was the guy with the beard btw). I think 4 people passed that mid-term. I did have a 62%, but one of the questions I had nearly right and she marked it wrong, so I got her to check it over again and she gave me another 9%, which I won't complain about, and bumped my mark up to a 71%. Still not great, but at least it's a pass. She said that this Final Exam would be more conceptual and less factual than the first, so hopefully it'll be easier, but i'm really not sure what it is I should study... ah well, it'll go fine. My Christian Ed mark is like 95 anyways, and the Exam is only worth 15%, so i'm not too worried.

After that exam, i've got the Life of Christ exam on wednesday, which I don't think will be fun at all. It's going to be a lot of fact and event questions, which means that it's going to suck supremely. Knowing me, I probably won't start studying for that one till wednesday, spend all day at school cramming for it till the Exam at 1, and then sleep the rest of the day. Oh well, we'll see how it goes anyways. Hopefully the memorizations of Matthew 5,6,7 boosted my mark up nicely, 5 was 93%, 6 was 97%, and I have yet to find out what 7 was.

So after that Exam comes the end of all life as we know it, also known as the English Exam. This will most likely be the worst Exam I have ever had. The study sheet is like 18 typed pages long, and is entirely made up of Essay writing and Grammar... Now on the English Mid-Term I did really well, got 90% on it, which I'm quite happy about. Unfortunately, the Final will involve mostly Grammar, and will have about 50 billion rules to follow about every little aspect of the english language imaginable. Fun Times! And not only that, but the English Exam just so happens to be at 9am... what a horrible time for an English Exam, but it's got to be done.

So now that that little rant of Exams is over I'll get to the rest of my life. Last week was really a sucky week. Pretty much everything was due last week, all the big assignments and such. On Tuesday, I was busy writing up my Christian Ed lesson for the class that evening, and I barely got it finished. I think it went surprisingly well for being prepared an hour before class. Wednesday was the Christmas Chapel, which went along quite well. I spent over an hour washing dishes, and my fingers were prunes after it was done. After the clean-up was done, around 3pm, Amanda came over to the college to tell me that she didn't think that our relationship would work out and she decided that we should break-up. I would have to say that was not pleasant, and it put me in a really down mood for the rest of the week. I'm still feeling a little down about it now, but I guess i'm slowly getting over it. She had said that she still wanted to be friends, but I'm not really sure about it. It's one of the things I have to still work out. As if that weren't enough, on Thursday my mother recieved a letter informing us that we would be paying for repairs to the car that killed my dog 3 weeks ago. On Friday, we found out that it was not the car owner that was doing this, it was the insurance company, and the guy had no choice in the matter. As well, shortly before the MCC christmas party, I found out that the bill for that car would be around $5,000. That seemed to bring me down yet again, and I don't think that the Christmas Party was as good as it could've been for me because of that. I think that sums up my week. Overall, it was a pretty crappy week, but it's slowly looking up.

Congrats to Sandy for the first comment on my blog. I know, I finally made one, and now the world's going to end. We had determined that If I were to ever create a blog, it would cause world-wide boredom, resulting in world-wide depression, which led to World War 3, Nuclear war, Nuclear winter, and the end of all life as we know it (much like the english exam), but Sandy told me to do it, so it's her fault when we all die. Also, I won't be telling anyone about this blog, I made one comment using this account on Sandy's blog, and I'm interested in seeing how long it takes people to find out about it.

Anyways... That was a good half-hour of procrastination. Back to studying for Christan Ed Exam... yeah, that won't last long. I'll probably end up playing around with the HTML code on my template. Honestly, I had a lot of fun for about a half-hour messing around with it yesterday, this time I'll probably save the changes too. It'll be quite a lot of fun. See if you can spot all the little changes I'll make. anyways, that's it for me. L8rs all

Friday, December 08, 2006

First post

So I guess everyone's doing this whole blogger thing, maybe I'll give it a shot. I don't want to start this thing on a negative note, and right now I feel like poop, so I won't post a full post right now, but one will come eventually. Anyways, just getting it out there for now. L8rs everyone