Apparantly it's time for an update
First semester of MCC is over finally, it was a long semester and a long week till exams were over. Had a few all-nighters over the semester, but nothing too bad. Work at wal-mart has been fairly busy too with Christmas coming. I still haven't gotten to go into the front seasonal pod, Cory said we just couldn't hire enough cashiers to cover my absence, so I'm stuck on the cash for now. The next semester should be quite a busy one with the Lectures and Choir Tour up and coming. I might even have to get stuff ready to go to Hamilton in the summer should I get the intern position at Elise's father's church over there.
I guess the only other thing to mention is that Jill and I have been going out for over 8 months now. it's crazy to think how long it has been and I'm so glad that things have worked out so well. Love ya hun.