Sunday, March 25, 2007

25th post!

Ok, so it's not that much really, but it's still cool to celebrate mediocrity! So since it's the last day of March Break I'll tell you a bit (or a lot) about my break.

Before I get to the break I'll update you about seeing the Rez Sisters play. It was awesome, and Brian Ansems was just like I remembered him in High School. He played an indian spirit/trickster and did it very well, even though he barely had any lines. I also saw Megan Inman there so we sat together during the play. I guess she had to write up a review of the play for a class. It was a very good play, however it did include some adult themes.

So the break started with a decently relaxing saturday and sunday. I mostly stayed at home for that weekend, picked up a bit of work that'll be coming due, but nothing too stressful. Monday started at 6:30am... I had to work on Hotels through the week. Unfortunately money around here is getting rather tight and, well non-existant. So that led me to apply for a job at Wal-Mart. still haven't heard from them about the second interview, but two of my refrences were unavailable this week, so that might explain it.

Throughout the week I was doing hotels and such, except they're taking much longer now, so hopefully Jim will pay me extra per city. On thursday I also got to see 300 finally. I know, i'm a loser and went alone, but that happens sometimes. And everyone else saw it already, so I got stuck going solo. It was still an awesome movie.

And today I went to Cornwall church for Katherine's baptism. The church is a nice small church with what looks like a great congregation. They were very friendly and seemed like a great bunch. It was a nice change and I got to see a few familiar faces.

So that's my March Break. on a side-note Ma got the test results from the biopsy last Monday. I guess they found some lymp nodes (or something like that) in the lump that shouldn't be there, so she's got to go in for a CAT scan. I don't quite know what that all means, but I suspect that she's not telling me everything about it, so prayer for that would be appreciated. Unfortunately the CAT scan waiting list is between 3 and 6 months long, which isn't good at all.

Well that's all I've got for tonight. Now i've gotta get back to my Romans questions, maybe they'll be magically done while I was writing this post!

Nope... oh well, wishful thinking is nice sometimes. L8rs all

Monday, March 12, 2007

Last week

So it would appear that I did forget to post about last week. sorry about that, essays and assignments just piled up. So here goes, I'll try to remember what it was I was going to post.

So the plans for the Spring Conference have changed a few times. For those who don't know I'm on the planning committee for the Spring Conference, but we've had a few problems with the planning. But now we're starting to get it all together finally. continue prayer for that.

Last week was my second time to sing in the worship band at Chapel. It went pretty well I thought, Robbie commented that every1 sounded good together, so that's always a plus.

The big topic of the post is that I got to chat with an old friend of mine from Montague High. Late last week Brian Ansems came online and we chatted for a bit. Apparantly he's in a play at UPEI this week called "the Rez Sisters". Brian's awesome at acting, he did really well in the Highschool play. I'm going to go to the thursday showing of his play, so it should be awesome.

so yeah, that's about it for last week. I had planned on making it longer, but I don't have the energy tonight. I've been working hard at all the school assignments and now that they're done I'm like dead tired.

Oh, this is hilarious: Go to it and watch it. Mitch Hedberg is an awesome comedian, although a little strange. L8rs all

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Reminder to Post

Today was a pretty good, yet very tiring day. As such I'm too tired to actually write out a lengthy post. So I'm counting on everyone who read this to remind me tomorrow or in the near future to blog about today. Things I'll cover are the spring conference, my second chapel singing =P, and hearing from a Highschool friend. Well i'm off to bed. G'night all