25th post!
Before I get to the break I'll update you about seeing the Rez Sisters play. It was awesome, and Brian Ansems was just like I remembered him in High School. He played an indian spirit/trickster and did it very well, even though he barely had any lines. I also saw Megan Inman there so we sat together during the play. I guess she had to write up a review of the play for a class. It was a very good play, however it did include some adult themes.
So the break started with a decently relaxing saturday and sunday. I mostly stayed at home for that weekend, picked up a bit of work that'll be coming due, but nothing too stressful. Monday started at 6:30am... I had to work on Hotels through the week. Unfortunately money around here is getting rather tight and, well non-existant. So that led me to apply for a job at Wal-Mart. still haven't heard from them about the second interview, but two of my refrences were unavailable this week, so that might explain it.
Throughout the week I was doing hotels and such, except they're taking much longer now, so hopefully Jim will pay me extra per city. On thursday I also got to see 300 finally. I know, i'm a loser and went alone, but that happens sometimes. And everyone else saw it already, so I got stuck going solo. It was still an awesome movie.
And today I went to Cornwall church for Katherine's baptism. The church is a nice small church with what looks like a great congregation. They were very friendly and seemed like a great bunch. It was a nice change and I got to see a few familiar faces.
So that's my March Break. on a side-note Ma got the test results from the biopsy last Monday. I guess they found some lymp nodes (or something like that) in the lump that shouldn't be there, so she's got to go in for a CAT scan. I don't quite know what that all means, but I suspect that she's not telling me everything about it, so prayer for that would be appreciated. Unfortunately the CAT scan waiting list is between 3 and 6 months long, which isn't good at all.
Well that's all I've got for tonight. Now i've gotta get back to my Romans questions, maybe they'll be magically done while I was writing this post!
Nope... oh well, wishful thinking is nice sometimes. L8rs all